Markus Anderljung

Head of Operations & Policy Engagement
Oxford Governance of AI
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To be released
Markus Anderljung

Governing Transformative Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is looking to be radically transformative. Expert developers and scientists working on artificial intelligence believe that there is a 50% chance that we will have Human-Level Machine Intelligence by 2062, that all occupations are fully automatable. A transformation of this size comes with a tremendous set of potential benefits, but also risks. The talk will focus on what we can do today to ensure that transition comes to benefit humanity. How do we ensure that the transition to a world of advanced and transformative artificial intelligence goes well?


Markus is the Head of Operations and Policy Engagement at the Center for the Governance of AI. The Center, based at Oxford University, does foundational research into the question of how we can steer the use and development of artificial intelligence to the benefit of humankind, avoiding the risks while reaping the rewards. Markus is a former Senior Consultant at EY, previous Executive Director of Effective Altruism Sweden, and studied Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. He will introduce the field of AI governance: how can we govern the AI revolution?
