Fredrik Bagge Carlson

Control Systems Specialist
Julia Computing
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To be released
Fredrik Bagge Carlson

Julia for AI and Data Science

Julia is a programming language with a set of features and a package ecosystem that makes it especially useful for AI/ML and data science. While the language is relatively young (measured in programming language years) the productivity it brings means that there is already a number of mature packages that push the state-of-the-art forward in domains such as differentiable programming, simulation, and optimization.In this talk, we will give a high-level overview of Julia with an emphasis on features, tools, and packages that makes it suitable for a typical AI/ML and data-science workflow. We will also give some examples of ongoing research done in Julia such as differentiable programming and automatic surrogatization for increased productivity in simulation and model-based workflows.


Fredrik received his MSc and Ph.D. from Dept. Automatic Control at Lund University. He has a background in robotics and an interest in developing software tools for control, identification, and simulation, which he is doing as a part of the simulation team at Julia Computing.
