Daniel Gillblad

Head of AI Research
RISE Swedish Research Institutes
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To be released
To be released
Daniel Gillblad

AI - Perspectives and Strategies

While AI and its applications continue to develop rapidly, many challenges remain to realise the full potential. We will reflect over the developments within AI and Machine Learning during the last few years, the current state-of-the-art, what remains to be done and what some of the urgent issues are at the moment. With this as a starting point, we will discuss the current state of AI and AI applications in Sweden and how we can think about national strategies for accelerating the use of AI nationally, in both industry and public sector. Finally, we will provide some examples of ongoing work in important areas.


Daniel Gillblad is the Head of AI Research at RISE, the Swedish Research Institutes, and Co-Director of AI Sweden. He has a background in machine learning and large scale data analytics, and has extensive experience of applying such methods in practice.
